Excitement by discovering. We bring social science quality to your project.
JR offers consulting and project management services in a range of areas. Our aim is to respond to your needs, furthering quality of performance.
We contribute to improved productivity and visibility of your enterprise, using methods optimal for achieving your objectives.
The methods we useA small selection of work produced with the assistance of experts attached to Jakobsgaard Research.
Some of our resultsSome of the people and institutions that JR experts have done work for. Trustworthy reference persons to contact
Thank you for considering JR as your consultants. Read more about our vision and values
The reliability of our research will add to the quality of your enterprise
Jakobsgaard Research offers consulting and project management services in a range of areas.
Due to many kinds of research involvements, we are used to mapping and analysing new fields of responsibility.
We hope that some of these possibilities will correspond to your needs. Feel free to contact us, if you have any questions.
Read contributions by JR associates and participate in debates
A small selection of our work
Mandela-obituary in Danish for the NGO Africa Contact.
Country analysis in Danish on South African economic models.
Review in African Affairs.
Conference organised for the Nordic Africa Institute.
NETREED research report.
Feel free to contact the founder and daily coordinator of JR at any time.
Hans Erik Jakobsgaard Stolten, Skraedderpladsen 25 DK-2635 Ishoej, Denmark.
Phone: +45 51826369. E-mail: hes@jakobsgaardresearch.dk.
If you want to contact us by voice or video through Skype, Jakobsgaard Research will often be online.
Skype name: jakobsgaardstolten.
Danish national business register; CVR-nr.: 37980471.
You are also welcome to visit us at our physical address at Skrædderpladsen 25 in Ishøj 15 km south of Copenhagen city centre.
Please send us your enquiry: